慶應義塾大学では、隔月にStanford大学と医学・生命科学に関するWebinarを行なっております。次回のテーマは、"Evolution of CRISPR/Cas Technology" であり本学会の多くの皆さまにご興味を持って頂けるものと思います。
主催:Stanford School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine、医学部生理学教室
共催: KGRI、Keio University Yagami Data Security Lab
協賛:一般社団法人ライフサイエンス・イノベーション・ネットワーク・ジャパン (LINK-J)、科学技術振興機構(JST)
【第11回 慶應-スタンフォード Webinar: 講演者】
1. Discover microbial recombination protein for cleavage-free gene editing of long sequences
Le Cong, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine
2. Utilization of base editing technology in neurodegenerative disease research
Hiroki Sasaguri, MD, PhD
Unit Leader, Dementia Pathophysiology Collaboration Unit
Deputy Team Leader, Laboratory for Proteolytic Neuroscience
RIKEN Center for Brain Science
3. Programmable DNA integration by CRISPR-associated transposase
Makoto Saito, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
4. Rescue of Prader-Willi syndrome patient-derived hypothalamic organoids by CRISPR/dCas9-TET1-mediated epigenome editing
Akisa Nemoto, MS
Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine