Registration and Submission

Important dates

Registration: -

Abstract submission: -

This conference is for on-site participation only. No live or on-demand streaming will be available.
Please note that the registration desk at the venue may be crowded on the day of the event. Please register in advance, especially if you plan to attend the morning sessions.

Registration and abstract submission

*Please check the contents of this page before registration and submission.


Registration Period

Registration: -

Please note that the registration desk at the venue may be crowded on the day of the event.
Please register in advance, especially if you plan to attend the morning sessions.


Registration fee
Category *1 Early bird On-site
Regular member 10,000 yen 12,000 yen
Student member *2 0 yen 0 yen
Senior member 10,000 yen 12,000 yen
Corporate member *3 10,000 yen 12,000 yen
Regular non-member 14,000 yen 16,000 yen
Student non-member 5,000 yen 7,000 yen
  1. The "Member" fee applies to those who are in the process of joining. When applying for membership, please specify "FY2025 (April 2025 - March 2026)" as your membership year. You can register and submit abstracts as a member during the membership admission procedure. If you wish to register as a member, please refer to JSGE website and complete the procedure. When registering, please enter your temporary membership number "999" and select the member's price for the registration fee.
  2. Student members will not be charged for the registration fee. If you are a non-member student, please consider to join JSGE and make presentation.
    Please refer to JSGE website for the admission procedure.
  3. Corporate members can register up to three persons at the corporate member rate per a registration. If you exceed this limit, please register as a regular member or as a regular non-member. (The above participation fee is per person.) Please note that corporate members are not allowed to make a presentation.
Category Early bird On-site
Regular 8,000 yen 10,000 yen
Student 6,000 yen 8,000 yen

Date: June 17 evening

Place: Tsubame Terrace cafeteria Science Tokyo,
Ookayama Campus


Abstract Submission

Submission Period

Abstract submission: -

You may modify your abstract submission before the deadline. Please note no modifications will be allowed after the deadline.

Presentation format

In addition to poster presentations, you may also apply for oral presentations. Both poster and oral presentations must be given on-site. Online or recorded presentations will not be accepted.All posters must be presented in English. Both Japanese and English are acceptable.


Only JSGE individual (general, student and senior) members can make a presentation. Each person can submit one abstract.
Students are free of charge.

Non-members are requested to apply for membership by the abstract submission deadline. Please refer to JSGE website for the procedure. When applying for membership, please specify "FY2025 (April 2025 - March 2026)" as the year of admission. You can still participate and submit abstracts as a member during the admission procedure.

Before submitting your abstract

Please submit your abstract in the registration system (ORSAM). Before submitting your abstract, check the following information and be prepared.

Apply for the Poster Award

Based on the submitted abstracts, 12 abstracts will be selected as candidates for the Poster Award. If your presentation is selected as a candidate, you will be asked to present your presentation during the "Flash Talk" on the second day of the conference (each presentation will be approximately 3 minutes). Please choose whether you wish to submit your abstract when you register your abstract.
Only those whose abstracts are selected will be notified of the presentation time and other details by the end of April.

Oral session

Some of the poster presentation will be selected as oral presentations as well. If you wish to make an oral presentation, please select your preferred session from the list below (up to your second choice). Presentation time will vary depending on the session but will be 10-20 minutes.
Only those whose abstracts are selected will be notified of the presentation time and other details by the mid May.

Title, presenters’ names, affiliations

The names and institutional affiliations of co-presenters are also required.


The maximum length is 750 double-byte characters for Japanese and 1,500 single-byte characters for English.

Research field

We will refer to this when organizing the program. Please select two options below.


We will refer to this when organizing the program. Please prepare no more than two keywords of your choice.

Presentation details

Details on poster size, etc., will be announced later on the ”For chairs and speakers” page.
